Anemometers and Windvanes in action!
Windspeed Ltd (Vector Instruments), 113 Marsh Road, RHYL, N. Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom.
Windspeed Limited
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 Saturday, January 25 2025  Home [arrow]  Help... (F.A.Q.s) Search site:  

Latest Weather...
(Rhyl, N.Wales, UK)
Wind Speed:  7.5 mph
Wind Direction:  193 °
Air Temp.:  4.9 °C
Rel. Humidity:  81.7 %
Rain (last Hr):  0.0 mm
(updated at: 18:39 UTC)

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Celebrating more than 50 years manufacturing & servicing High Quality Vector Instruments Anemometers and Windvanes at Windspeed Ltd
Reliability and Safety    
For highest reliability of our products in the field, we recommend the following:

1) Fit surge protection. We recommend that surge protection be fitted wherever possible, especially where long cables are used or if access is difficult (e.g. remote areas and tall masts). Although the risk of lightning, static discharges and other surges may be judged to be low, it may still be cost effective to fit surge protection at the outset to reduce the likelihood of having to lower a mast and replace sensors which may be a time consuming and expensive operation. The PC3 Surge protection is available for a number of our anemometers.

2) Fit a lightning conductor. Although the sensors will be destroyed by a direct hit, they may well survive a nearby strike by the use of a properly installed lightning conductor (especially if the PC3 option is fitted), see BS6651:1990 and our Lightning Protection Guidelines for Anemometers & Windvanes 020- 001.

For general and personnel safety:

Always read the instructions provided with the product and ensure that any safety recommendations therein are complied with. Unless the product operating instructions advise otherwise, you should always fit a lightning conductor (see above). In addition, always ensure that all instrument shields and zero volt lines are grounded. This protects against electric shock due to lightning, water ingress, static discharge or other surge voltages being transferred to the recorder/logger and any other equipment or cables which may be connected. For mains operated products, always fit a Residual Current Device "RCD" (also known as "ELCB" Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker etc.). In the case of wind equipment used in alarm/safety applications refer to the important note regarding Wind Alarm Systems.

[Last Revised Jan 2005]
Windspeed Ltd (Vector Instruments)
Windspeed Limited (trading as Vector Instruments),
113 Marsh Road, RHYL, North Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1745 350700
Website design and content is copyright (c) 2003-2024 Windspeed Limited (unless otherise stated). All trademarks are acknowledged.