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Windspeed Ltd (Vector Instruments), 113 Marsh Road, RHYL, N. Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom.
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 Tuesday, October 22 2024  Home [arrow]  Products [arrow]  Relative Humidity Search site:  

Latest Weather...
(Rhyl, N.Wales, UK)
Wind Speed:  3.6 mph
Wind Direction:  259 °
Air Temp.:  12.5 °C
Rel. Humidity:  89.9 %
(updated at: 08:07 UTC)

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Celebrating more than 50 years manufacturing & servicing High Quality Vector Instruments Anemometers and Windvanes at Windspeed Ltd
Air Relative Humidity Sensors
H301 Psychrometer Voltage/Current Output RH Sensors/Screens

We have several instruments available for the measurement of Air Relative Humidity, including...
Windspeed Ltd (Vector Instruments)
Windspeed Limited (trading as Vector Instruments),
113 Marsh Road, RHYL, North Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1745 350700
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