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 Tuesday, October 22 2024  Home [arrow]  Products [arrow]  AirTemperature [arrow]  T302 Search site:  

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(Rhyl, N.Wales, UK)
Wind Speed:  3.6 mph
Wind Direction:  259 °
Air Temp.:  12.5 °C
Rel. Humidity:  89.9 %
(updated at: 08:07 UTC)

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Celebrating more than 50 years manufacturing & servicing High Quality Vector Instruments Anemometers and Windvanes at Windspeed Ltd
T302 Met Office Pattern Precision Air Temperature Sensor
Datasheet: login to download


The T302 is an aspirated air temperature sensor, built to a UK Government Meteorological Office design and is suitable for use where measurements of the highest accuracy are required.

A unique triple-walled enclosure is used to obtain maximum protection from measurement errors due to thermal radiation. The enclosure comprises two ABS plastic shields separated by polystyrene foam together with a 0.05mm thick stainless steel shield. A large glass-fibre 'hat' protects the entire assembly from direct solar radiation for solar elevations in excess of 66 degrees, and measures have been taken to protect against long-wave ground radiation.

The sensor is aspirated by a long life motor/fan with its power cable separate from the sensor cable to avoid interference on low-level transducer signals.

The entire assembly is weather resistant for exterior use.
The T302 is particularly useful where small differences between air temperatures at different heights or locations need to be measured - a pair of T302 instruments can be calibrated together for this purpose.

Note: This sensor does not contain any signal conditioning or amplifiers to process the sensing element signal. Most data loggers can be configured to measure PRT/RTD sensors in a 3 or 4-wire bridge circuit, and can often also be set to control the fan/motor too.

The recommended mounting arm for use with this instrument is our type 405E2.

Specification Highlights:

  • Accuracy:
  • 0.1?C (0.05?C between two calibrated sensors)
  • Sensitivity to net radiation:
  • 5x10-5?C/Wm-2
  • Operating Range:
  • -20 to +65°C
  • Response Time:
  • 30 sec.
  • Max. Wind Speed:
  • over 75m/s.
  • Sensing Element:
  • 1/3DIN IEC 751 100 Ohm PRT (RTD), 4-wire connection
  • Aspiration Power:
  • 12V dc (35mA nominal)

    This product is manufactured to special order .
    Specifications are correct at time of writing and may change without notice. Please contact us to confirm the latest specifications.
    Please call/email us if you would like access to additional product information, data and specification sheets for this product.
    Windspeed Ltd (Vector Instruments)
    Windspeed Limited (trading as Vector Instruments),
    113 Marsh Road, RHYL, North Wales, LL18 2AB, United Kingdom
    Tel: +44 (0) 1745 350700
    Website design and content is copyright (c) 2003-2024 Windspeed Limited (unless otherise stated). All trademarks are acknowledged.